Our work on disability draws on personal experience with disability systems and cutting edge research. Services include research, evaluation, program and policy development, and technical assistance, as well as training and workshops for employers, service agencies, and the disability community.
A group of parents of transitioning youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in New York City requested research on housing options and an outline of a model for housing that they would own and offered activities to help them connect to their neighbors. Based on the youth and their families vision for their housing, the model called for a shared meal and activity system that would include community residents with and without disabilities and 24/7 emergency support for the people with IDD. Chrysalis Collaborations researched housing supports available through New York’s government office for people with disabilities (OPWDD) and elsewhere, and other housing models in New York and across the country. We proposed a model based on this research and outlined ways to finance both housing acquisition and programs. The report also described steps needed to develop the model. The public report of the initial phase of the project is available at Housing Options for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities