Chrysalis Collaborations helps individual agencies understand their internal systems and provides comprehensive analysis of local, regional, and national service systems. In depth knowledge of both agency structures and service systems allows us to offer practical advice with concrete steps to improve service delivery.
Services: Evaluation, planning, and systems change analysis to help direct service organizations, businesses, and government understand the strengths and challenges of their current organizational systems and program methods as they relate to organization mission and values. System analysis and system integration initiatives for government and private sector workforce development, human services, and health systems.
Led by a person with life long hidden disabilities, Chrysalis Collaborations understands the workforce development and support system for people with disabilities first hand. Our work has analyzed the systems for workforce development, employment, housing, and educational supports for people with disabilities provided by the U.S. federal government and several states. Since 2011, based on an initiative started by the Baltimore area Center for Independent Living (CIL) the Image Center, we have been working with a coalition of agencies serving people with disabilities, a community college, and two CILs on systems analysis and organizational analysis regarding employment for people with disabilities, as well as identifying characteristics of individuals, employers and employment systems that help or hinder people with disabilities in developing successful careers. These projects are designed to identify best practices to improve employment prospects for people with disabilities and improve workforce development, support systems and systems to support employers who hire people with disabilities.