Chrysalis Collaborations, LLC works with organizations, community members, and government to understand how human services programs and employment work on the ground. We develop innovative, evidence based programs and policy that improve employment success and life chances for community members. Chrysalis Collaborations offers a full range of research, evaluation, planning, training and technical assistance, writing, program and policy development, organization and system integration services tailored for the needs of your organization and community.
Chrysalis Collaborations, LLC is a woman and person with disability owned business registered in the state of Maryland. View complete certifications detail
D-U-N-S Number: 080052958
MD Vendor Number: 00025977
MD Business License: W16817603
Maryland MBE/DBE Certified: 16-213
MD SBA Number: SB12-20237
CAGE Code: 7L3B7
U.S. Federal WOSB, EDWOSB Self Certified
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Principal: Jo Anne Schneider joanne@www.chrysaliscollaborations.com
Dr. Jo Anne Schneider is an applied social scientist with over 25 years experience working with non-profit organizations, government, and communities to develop innovative, evidence based research and model programs on a wide range of workforce development, employment, human services and health topics. Her expertise combines 7 years as a non-profit administrator, over 20 years as a consultant to government and private service providers, and 4 years working in the federal government and congress with her research experience. A former American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science and Technology Policy Fellow, she is internationally known for translating research into practice. She is author of two books; numerous policy and practice reports, briefs, summaries, white papers, and factsheets; editor of three journal special issues; and has developed numerous workshops, webinars and trainings on various topics for practitioners, policy makers, and researchers. In addition to serving as Principal at Chrysalis Collaborations, she is currently an Associate Research Professor in Anthropology at George Washington University. (Read full bio) (Full CV)